HAIR NECTAR | Hydrosol Blend


HAIR NECTAR | Hydrosol Blend



Healthy Hair depends on good blood flow and good quality blood to your scalp. To help with this from an external source, I have created a hair Hydrosol and oil.

Like our skincare the base starts with hydration. Obviously internal is the most important, but the general belief is that we get moisture for our hair and bodies with oil, but that simply isn't true! Oils are important for many different forms of nourishment, but hydration isn't one of them.

When you are thirsty, do you drink a glass of oil?

So, when our hair is dehydrated, it's important to make sure it has adequate moisture BEFORE you dive into all of the lovely luxurious oils out there.

This is why I’ve finally created a specific Hair Hydrosol; HAIR NECTAR. The beautiful blend of garden herbs help stimulate the scalp and nourish the ends. It also smells heavenly so it also elevates the mind and space. It will repair a disrupted scalp barrier, strengthen your hair, and heal split ends.

Lock in all the hydration with our much loved ELEVATE hair oil and you have just eliminated many harmful ingredients in most hair masks while creating your own.

Don’t forget to massage the scalp. The Hydrosol and Hair oil will stimulate and hydrate, but massaging the scalp will increase the oxygen supply to the brain, also improves circulation of the life-giving sap, cerebrospinal fluid, which stimulates brain development, relaxes the nerves and muscles, reduces fatigue, and loosens the scalp. All while bringing blood to the roots and face for an increased glow and lift.

INGREDIENTS: Rosemary, Tulsi, Lavender, Rose Geranium, Nettle, Peppermint and water

ORIGIN: Dartmouth, Nova Scotia 

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